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All new releases are available at the SourceForge Gomnilist file server: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=19445.

Binary distros

The binaries require you to have Perl 5.0 and not 5.6 (on it's way). You need the common and libs parts of Netcool installed and you also need a Helix-Gnome (or the like) installation with libglade (standard with most distros).  Red-Hat users note, this does not run on version 7 (because it uses Perl 5.6).

NEW: Linux 2.2 and Perl 5.6 on Intel (Red Hat 7): gomnilist-0.17.2-linux-rh7.tar.gz
Linux kernel 2.2 on Intel: gomnilist-0.17.2-linux-intel.tar.gz
Solaris 2.7 on Sparc: gomnilist-0.17.2-solaris-sparc.tar.Z

Source distros

-Linux 2.2.5 and above / Solaris 7 or 8
-Perl 5
-Libglade (comes with Redhat 6.2+): ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/stable/sources/libglade/
-Perl modules: DBI and DBD:Sybase built according to the installation instructions(Included in the distro)
-The "common" and "libs" package from Netcool installed
-Gnome/GTK+ (of-course).

-Solaris users will also need gcc, libstdc++ and make. (www.sunfreeware.org)

Latest Release:
GOmnilist 0.17.2 (Linux and Solaris): gomnilist-0.17.2.tar.gz

Previous Releases:
Past releases can be downloaded from the anonymous FTP server at ftp://gomnilist.sourceforge.net/pub/gomnilist/.

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